「興行」の改正後要件Requirements for obtaining the revised "Entertainment"
>please send MAEHIRO OFFICE a mail by this inquiry form
1 適正に実施している実績がある招へい機関が受け入れる場合(新設 基準1号イ)
イ 申請人が次のいずれにも該当する本邦の公私の機関との契約に基づいて、風営法第二条第一項第一号から第三号※までに規定する営業を営む施設以外の施設において行われるものであること。
一 キヤバレー、待合、料理店、カフエーその他設備を設けて客の接待をして客に遊興又は飲食をさせる営業 (接待を伴う飲食店)
二 喫茶店、バーその他設備を設けて客に飲食をさせる営業で、国家公安委員会規則で定めるところにより計つた営業所内の照度を十ルクス以下として営むもの(前号に該当する営業として営むものを除く。) (接待をしない低照度飲食店)
三 喫茶店、バーその他設備を設けて客に飲食をさせる営業で、他から見通すことが困難であり、かつ、その広さが五平方メートル以下である客席を設けて営むもの (区画席飲食店)
2 新たに受け入れようとする場合でも問題が生じるおそれが少ない場合には要件を緩和(旧2号を更に緩和 基準1号ロ)
ロ 申請人が従事しようとする活動が次のいずれかに該当していること。
ハ 申請人が従事しようとする活動が、次のいずれにも該当していること
**Requirements for obtaining the revised "Entertainment" residence status**
As of August 1, 2023, the requirements for the "Entertainment" visa have been significantly relaxed due to the amendment of the law.
Previously, for foreign artists' tours, it was necessary to have over two years of overseas experience or a stage facility of at least 13 square meters. This made it difficult for new artists to come to Japan, and the allowable period of stay was only 15 days. In the future, if event organizers have a track record of hosting foreigners for over three years and there are no unpaid wages, the requirements for artists' overseas experience and venue facilities will be waived.
The requirements for the revised Criterion 1 are as follows:
1. When accepted by an inviting institution with a proven track record (New Criterion 1-i):
i. The activity is carried out at a facility other than those specified in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Items 1 to 3 of the Entertainment Businesses Control Law, based on contracts with public and private institutions in Japan to engage in businesses related to foreign entertainment for a total of three years or more.
ii. The institution's management or full-time staff do not engage in human trafficking, have not been sentenced for offenses such as those under the Anti-Prostitution Law, and are not members of violent gangs, etc.
iii. The institution has paid the full amount of compensation to foreigners residing in Japan with entertainment residency status based on contracts concluded with Japanese institutions over the past three years.
iv. In addition to the above, they have the ability to properly perform tasks related to foreign entertainment.
2. Relaxation of requirements even for new acceptances when there is little risk of problems (Further relaxation of old Criterion 2 - Criterion 1-ii):
ii. The activity intended by the applicant falls under any of the following:
1. Organized by national/local government bodies or schools as defined by the School Education Law.
2. Sponsored by public or private institutions in Japan established with funding from national/local government bodies, etc.
3. Held at a theme park based on a foreign theme with a site area of over 100,000 square meters.
4. Does not involve paid provision of food or drinks in the seating area, does not entertain guests, and is attended by over 100 people in the seating area or held in a non-profit facility.
- Serving food or drinks at the seating area will not be considered if guests bring them themselves (e.g., live houses, etc.).
- Previously, the count of seating capacity was based on "fixed seats," but in the future, it will be based on "capacity," including standing room, thus expanding the eligible facilities.
5. Involves compensation of at least 500,000 yen per day and is conducted in Japan for a period not exceeding 30 days.
- The permissible period of stay has been extended, allowing for longer tours, etc.
If the above criteria i and ii do not apply, strict requirements will be imposed (Current Criterion 1):
iii. The activity intended by the applicant falls under any of the following:
- Strict requirements for the applicant (foreigner), inviting institution, and facility.
「興行」の要件と提出書類 Requirements and Submission Documents
(ハ) (イ),(ロ)のいずれにも該当しないもの
A 日本人が従事する場合に受ける報酬と同等以上の報酬を受け取ること
Submission documents vary depending on the activities intended to be conducted in Japan.
For foreigners intending to engage in theatrical, entertainment, musical, dance, or performance-related activities (Criterion 1):
(i) Activities conducted at facilities other than those specified in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Entertainment Business Control Law, based on contracts concluded with public or private institutions in Japan
(ii) Any of the following:
- Theatrical, entertainment, musical, dance, or performance events sponsored by Japanese national or local government agencies or special corporations, as well as those conducted in schools, vocational schools, or various other educational institutions specified by the School Education Law.
- Events organized by public or private institutions in Japan established with assistance from national, local government agencies, or independent administrative corporations for the purpose of cultural exchange.
- Events organized by facilities with an area of ??100,000 square meters or more, primarily conducted by foreigners for the purpose of attracting tourists with foreign scenery or culture.
- Events conducted in facilities where food and beverages are not provided for a fee in the audience area and where there is no direct interaction with the audience.
If the following does not apply to (i) or (ii) mentioned above:
For foreigners intending to engage in activities related to entertainment other than theatrical, entertainment, musical, dance, or performance events (such as sports matches or fashion shows) (Criterion 2):
- Foreigners participating or performing in entertainment events receive compensation equal to or greater than Japanese nationals.
For foreigners intending to engage in entertainment activities falling under any of the following (1) to (4) (Criterion 3):
1. The entertainment activities conducted by foreigners fall under any of the following:
- Activities related to the promotion of goods or businesses.
- Activities related to the production of broadcasting programs (including cable broadcasting programs) or movies.
- Activities related to commercial photography.
- Activities involving recording on commercial records, videotapes, or other recording media.
2. Receive compensation equal to or greater than that received by Japanese nationals when Japanese nationals are engaged.
基準1号ハの厳格要件Strict Requirements for Criterion 1, (Ha)
To obtain the status of "Entertainment" under Criterion 1, Sub-Criterion (Ha), the three parties involved - performers, organizers, and facilities - must each meet the following requirements:
Requirements for Foreign Performers (Meet either @ or A below):
@ Have majored in subjects related to entertainment for 2 years or more at a foreign educational institution.
A Have at least 2 years of experience in foreign countries.
Requirements for Organizers (Meet all of @ to D below):
@ Pay monthly compensation of 200,000 yen or more to foreign performers.
A Have a manager or administrator with over 3 years of cumulative practical experience in foreign entertainment.
B Employ 5 or more full-time employees.
C Ensure that among the managers and full-time employees, there are no individuals involved in human trafficking, violations of immigration control and refugee recognition laws, individuals who have not passed 5 years since being penalized under the Anti-Prostitution Law, or individuals associated with organized crime groups.
D Have no unpaid compensation to foreign performers or staff in the past 3 years.
Requirements for Facilities and Operating Organizations (Meet all of @ to E below):
@ Operate facilities that conduct entertainment for unspecified and numerous clients, mainly foreigners.
A Employ at least 5 employees engaged in client entertainment, with no potential for involvement of foreign performers in client entertainment.
(For facilities operating businesses specified in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 or 2 of the Entertainment Business Control Law)
B Have a stage area of ??13 square meters or more.
C Have a dressing room area of ??9 square meters or more.
(For cases where the number of performers exceeds 5, add 1.6 square meters per person.)
D Employ 5 or more facility staff.
E Ensure that among the managers and full-time employees, there are no individuals involved in human trafficking, violations of immigration control and refugee recognition laws, individuals who have not passed 5 years since being penalized under the Anti-Prostitution Law, or individuals associated with organized crime groups.