visa-dupty, naturalization,tochigi, utunomiya  在留資格 帰化 宇都宮 栃木県

在留資格取得のための要件 Requirementsto obtain a residence qualification for technical, humanities, and international business fields

>please send MAEHIRO OFFICE a mail by this inquiry form






To obtain a residence qualification for technical, humanities, and international business fields, the following six requirements must be met:


1The position must require academic expertise, sensitivity as a foreign national, or similar attributes.
 The position must require specialized technical or humanities knowledge, or involve a need for foreign perspectives or sensitivity.
2The applicant must possess relevant academic qualifications or work experience.
 This includes graduation from domestic or overseas universities, graduation from Japanese vocational schools, or a minimum of 10 years of practical experience.
3The applicant must receive a salary equal to or greater than that of a Japanese national.
 Salary levels are calculated based on the total compensation received over one year, including bonuses, divided by twelve.
4A contract, such as an employment or subcontracting contract, must be concluded between the employer and the foreign national.
5The stability of the employer's business must be ensured.
Companies are classified into categories 1 through 4 based on factors such as their size. Category 1 includes listed companies, category 2 includes unlisted companies with annual personnel expenses of approximately 100 million yen or more, category 3 includes other small and medium-sized enterprises, and category 4 represents newly established companies. The required documentation and review period vary depending on the category.
6The foreign national must have a good conduct record (no criminal record or violations of laws).

要件@ABについて About requirement 1 , 2 ,3

1) 自然科学又は人文科学の分野に属する技術又は知識を必要とする業務に従事しようとする場合、次のいずれかに該当することが必要です。


⇒令和6年2月29日付け見直し  一定の要件を満たした専修学校専門課程の学科(※)を修了した留学生については、在留資格「技術・人文知識・国際業務」への変更時における専攻科目と従事しようとする業務の関連性について柔軟に対応し、大学等卒業者と同等の取扱いとする。
※一定の要件を満たした専修学校専門課程の学科とは  質の高い教育を行うとともに、外国人留学生のキャリア形成促進を目的として日本社会の理解の促進に資する教育を行うものを文部科学大臣が認定して奨励することにより、外国人留学生のキャリア形成の機会の拡大を図ることを目的とした新たな認定制度(専修学校の専門課程における外国人留学生キャリア形成促進プログラムの認定に関する規程。令和5年6月21日公布。)によって認定を受けた専修学校専門課程の学科を指す。






  報酬とは,「一定の役務の給付の対価として与えられる反対給付」をいい,通勤手当,扶養手当,住宅手当等の実費弁償の性格を有するもの (課税対象となるものを除きます。)は含みません。


1) When engaging in work that requires technical or knowledge in the fields of natural sciences or humanities, it is necessary to meet one of the following criteria:
- Graduation from a university or specialized school in Japan specializing in subjects related to the technical or knowledge required for the intended work.
- Here, "university" includes junior colleges, graduate schools, and specialized schools where one can obtain a professional degree. This also includes universities in the home country that correspond to universities or junior colleges based on Japan's School Education Law.
- For university and college of technology graduates, the relevance between the major subject at the university and the intended work is judged flexibly. In contrast, for graduates of specialized schools, a considerable degree of relevance between the major subject at the specialized school and the intended work is required.


⇒Revision dated February 29, Reiwa 6: Regarding international students who have completed specialized courses at vocational schools meeting certain requirements, flexible measures will be taken regarding the relevance of the major subjects and intended duties at the time of changing their residence status to "Technology/ Humanities/ International Services," treating them equivalently to university graduates.


※ Specialized courses at vocational schools meeting certain requirements refer to departments recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology for providing high-quality education and promoting understanding of Japanese society for the purpose of fostering the career development of foreign students, aiming to expand opportunities for career development of foreign students through a new certification system (Regulations concerning the certification of programs for promoting the career development of foreign students in specialized courses at vocational schools, promulgated on June 21, Reiwa 5).



- Having 10 years or more of practical experience.
- The period of practical experience includes the period of study in related subjects at universities or similar institutions. Additionally, it is not necessary to have engaged in work specifically categorized under "technical, humanities, and international business" for the entire 10 years; periods of engagement in relevant work are also included in practical experience.


2) When engaging in work requiring a foundation in foreign culture, thinking, or sensitivity, it is necessary to meet one of the following criteria:
- Engaging in tasks such as translation, interpretation, language instruction, public relations, advertising, international trade, fashion or interior design, product development, or similar tasks.
- Having three years or more of practical experience in tasks related to the intended work.
- It is not necessary for the practical experience to be in the exact same tasks as the intended work, but it must be in related tasks. Additionally, graduates are exempt from requiring practical experience when engaging in tasks such as translation, interpretation, or language instruction.


3) Receiving compensation equal to or higher than that of Japanese nationals.
- Compensation refers to remuneration provided as consideration for certain services rendered and does not include reimbursement of actual expenses such as commuting allowances, dependent allowances, housing allowances, etc. (excluding those subject to taxation).

実務研修の取扱い、十分な業務量について Handling of practical training, Adequate volume of work









The following is not directly specified as a requirement, but attention is necessary as it may involve illegal aspects, which could result in denial of permission by the Immigration Bureau.


Handling of practical training:
In order for foreigners to stay in Japan under the residence qualification for "technical, humanities, and international business," it is necessary to engage in activities that correspond to the said residence qualification, namely, tasks at a certain level or above backed by academic qualifications.
On the other hand, in companies, there may be a certain period of practical training provided at the time of hiring, etc. However, if we only consider activities during this practical training period, activities that do not fall under the residence qualification for "technical, humanities, and international business" (for example, customer service at restaurants, sales activities at retail stores, line work at factories, etc.) may still be recognized within the residence qualification if they are part of practical training that is similarly provided to Japanese university graduate employees, and if they do not constitute a significant portion of the activities during the stay period. The suitability of such activities will be judged based on a submitted specific training plan, and the reasonableness of the practical training period will be examined.


Adequate volume of work:
For positions requiring specialized knowledge and qualifications, it is necessary to ensure an adequate volume of work. For example, if cooking tasks in a restaurant kitchen account for 80% of the overall work, and accounting tasks in the accounting department only account for 20%, it would not be considered sufficient volume of work for accounting and finance duties. In such cases, the Immigration Bureau may consider the primary task as simple labor in the restaurant hall, and permission for residence qualification may not be granted.



"Regarding cases of approval and disapproval"





特定活動46号の取得要件について Requirements for Obtaining Specific Activity Category 46 Residence Status





⇒令和6年2月29日見直し 高度専門士の称号を付与された留学生(一定の要件を満たした専修学校専門課程の学科(※)を修了した者に限る。)や、短期大学又は高等専門学校を卒業し、学士の学位を授与された留学生については、大学卒業と同等レベルと考えられることから、特定活動告示46号の対象に加える。(※)は、技人国の要件@ABについての中の1)の記述を参照してください。










To obtain the Specific Activity Category 46 residence status, it is necessary to meet all of the following requirements:


1Work full-time at a public or private institution in Japan:
This includes regular employees and contract workers. Dispatched workers, even if employed full-time, are not eligible. Part-time and temporary workers are also not eligible. Certain industries and businesses related to adult entertainment are not permitted.


2Graduation or completion of a degree from a Japanese university or graduate school:
It is a requirement to have graduated from a Japanese university or completed a graduate program in Japan and received a degree. Individuals who have withdrawn from a Japanese university, obtained a degree from an overseas university only, or graduated from a Japanese junior college or vocational school are not eligible.
⇒Revision dated February 29, Reiwa 6: Foreign students who have been granted the title of Advanced Specialist (limited to those who have completed specialized courses at vocational schools meeting certain requirements - see Note) or foreign students who have graduated from junior colleges or technical colleges and have been awarded a bachelor's degree will be considered to be at an equivalent level to university graduates. Therefore, they will be included in the scope of Special Activity Notification No. 46. (Note: Please refer to description 1) under the requirements of technical, human, and international categories for Note 1.)


3Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 or BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test score of 480 or higher:
Candidates must possess a score of N1 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or a score of 480 or higher on the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test, which are representative exams for measuring Japanese language proficiency. Individuals who have majored in "Japanese" at a university or graduate school in their home country will be considered to have the required Japanese language proficiency.


4Receive compensation equal to or higher than that of Japanese nationals:
Employment conditions must offer compensation equal to or higher than that of Japanese nationals. The salary of Japanese college or graduate school graduates, including potential salary increases, will be used as a reference.


5Engage in work requiring smooth communication in Japanese:
The assigned duties after joining the company should involve tasks beyond passive work and require elements of "translation" or "interpretation" or involve bidirectional communication with others in Japanese.


6Utilize broad knowledge and applied skills acquired at Japanese universities or graduate schools:
The job to be engaged in must involve tasks that utilize academic qualifications in "technology, humanities, or international business" (tasks requiring language proficiency or technical skills) to a certain extent, or there must be a prospect of engaging in such tasks in the future.



特定活動46号の具体的活動例 Specific Activity Examples of Specific Activity Category 46 Residence Status

1  〇飲食店に採用され,店舗管理業務や通訳を兼ねた接客業務を行うもの(日本人に対する接客を行うことも可能です。)。


2  〇工場のラインにおいて,日本人従業員から受けた作業指示を技能実習生や他の外国人従業員に対し外国語で伝達・指導しつつ,自らもライ ンに入って業務を行うもの。


3  〇 小売店において,仕入れ,商品企画や,通訳を兼ねた接客販売業務を行うもの(日本人に対する接客販売業務を行うことも可能です。)。
   × 商品の陳列や店舗の清掃にのみ従事することは認められません。


4  〇ホテルや旅館において,翻訳業務を兼ねた外国語によるホームページの開設,更新作業等の広報業務を行うものや,外国人客への通訳(案内)を兼ねたベルスタッフやドアマンとして接客を行うもの(日本人に対する接客を行うことも可能です。)。
   × 客室の清掃にのみ従事することは認められません。


5  〇 タクシー会社において,観光客(集客)のための企画・立案や自ら通訳を兼ねた観光案内を行うタクシードライバーとして活動するもの(通常のタクシードライバーとして乗務することも可能です。)。
   × 車両の整備や清掃のみに従事することは認められません。
   × タクシーの運転をするためには,別途第二種免許(道路交通法第86条第1項)を取得する必要がありますが,第二種免許は,個人の特定の市場への参入を規制することを目的とするものではないことから,いわゆる業務独占資格には該当しません。


6  〇介護施設において,外国人従業員や技能実習生への指導を行いながら,日本語を用いて介護業務に従事するもの。
   × 施設内の清掃や衣服の洗濯のみに従事することは認められません。


7  〇 食品製造会社において,他の従業員との間で日本語を用いたコミュニケーションを取りながら商品の企画・開発を行いつつ,自らも商品製造ラインに入って作業を行うもの。
   × 単に商品製造ラインに入り日本語による作業指示を受け,指示された作業にのみ従事することは認められません。


1. Individuals employed at restaurants who engage in customer service tasks including store management and interpretation, and may also serve Japanese customers.
- Individuals are not allowed to engage solely in dishwashing or cleaning duties in the kitchen.


2. Those who work on the factory line, conveying and instructing foreign trainees and other foreign employees in a foreign language based on the instructions received from Japanese employees, while also working on the line themselves.
- Engagement solely in tasks instructed on the line is not permitted.


3. Individuals at retail stores who handle procurement, product planning, and customer service sales duties including interpretation, and may also serve Japanese customers.
- Engagement solely in product display or store cleaning is not permitted.


4. Individuals working in hotels or inns, undertaking public relations tasks such as opening and updating websites in foreign languages including translation work, and serving as bell staff or doormen providing interpretation (guidance) to foreign guests, and may also serve Japanese guests.
- Engagement solely in room cleaning is not permitted.


5. Those who work as taxi drivers in taxi companies, providing tourist information including planning and interpreting themselves for tourists (customer attraction), and may also work as regular taxi drivers.
- Engagement solely in vehicle maintenance or cleaning is not permitted.
- To drive a taxi, it is necessary to obtain a separate second-class license (Road Traffic Act Article 86, Paragraph 1). However, the second-class license is not intended to regulate entry into specific markets for individuals, so it does not fall under the so-called exclusive qualification for business.


6. In care facilities, individuals who engage in caregiving tasks using Japanese while providing guidance to foreign employees and trainees.
- Engagement solely in facility cleaning or laundry of clothes is not permitted.


7. At food manufacturing companies, individuals who plan and develop products while communicating in Japanese with other employees, and also work on the product manufacturing line themselves.
- Simply receiving work instructions in Japanese and engaging only in instructed tasks on the production line is not permitted.

特定活動(継続就職活動) Specific Activity (Continued Job Search)

1 卒業後1年目の就職活動について


1) 継続就職活動大学生  
2) 継続就職活動専門学校生 
3) 継続就職活動日本語教育機関留学生(海外大卒者のみ)


2 卒業後2年目の就職活動について




必要な書類 対象者証明書、インターンシップ等実績報告書等


在留資格の変更手続 在留資格変更許可申請(指定活動の変更)を行うこととなります。この場合に決定される在留資格は適合就職支援事業に参加して行う就職活動を指定活動とする「特定活動」 ,在留期間は「6月」となります


1: Job Search in the First Year After Graduation


Foreign students who have graduated from a university or completed a specialized course at a vocational school and obtained the title of specialist, and wish to continue their job search in Japan even after the expiration of their residence period under the "Study" residency status granted to them, may change their residency status to a "Specific Activity" (with a residency period of six months) for the purpose of continuing their job search, provided that there are no issues with their residency status and there is a recommendation from the educational institution they graduated from to continue their job search. Furthermore, one renewal of the residency period is allowed, enabling them to stay in Japan for up to one year after graduating from university to continue their job search.


1) University Students Engaged in Continued Job Search
Foreign nationals who have graduated from a Japanese university (including junior colleges and graduate schools) under the "Study" residency status (excluding extension students, auditing students, subject auditors, and researchers) and wish to stay in Japan for the purpose of continuing their job search that they have been conducting before graduation (the same applies to foreign nationals who have graduated from technical colleges).


2) Vocational School Students Engaged in Continued Job Search
Foreign nationals who have graduated from a specialized course at a vocational school under the "Study" residency status, obtained the title of specialist, and graduated from the course, and whose acquired skills in the course are deemed relevant to activities falling under any residency status related to "Technology, Humanities, Knowledge, International Business," etc., and who wish to stay in Japan for the purpose of continuing their job search that they have been conducting before graduation.


3) Japanese Language Education Institution Students Engaged in Continued Job Search (Only for Overseas University Graduates)
Foreign nationals who have graduated or completed a degree from an overseas university or graduate school, and are residing in Japan under the "Study" residency status after meeting certain requirements, and have graduated from a Japanese language education institution in Japan, and have been conducting job search activities before graduating from the said Japanese language education institution.


Note: Even before graduation, it is possible to apply for a change of residency status if there is a recommendation letter from the educational institution, a certificate of expected graduation, and other necessary documents.
※ In this case, a graduation certificate (copy) or certificate of graduation is required at the time of approval for a change of residency status.


2: Job Search in the Second Year After Graduation


After graduating from university, etc., foreign students who have been allowed to change their residency status to conduct job search activities as described in 1, and who are participating in job support projects conducted by local governments (limited to those meeting the criteria set by the authorities), can receive a certificate of eligibility as a participant in the project from the local government, and if they wish to participate in the project in the second year after graduation, including internships, and if there are no issues with their residency status, they can be allowed to change their residency status to a "Specific Activity" (with a residency period of six months) for the purpose of conducting job search activities as part of the project, and one renewal of the residency period is further allowed, enabling them to stay in Japan for an additional year (the second year after graduation) for job search activities as part of the project.


Criteria for Handling:


(1) The local government implementing job support projects must properly operate and supervise the projects for appropriate implementation.
(2) The duration of the job support project should be six months or more.
(3) The local government should establish various consultation systems such as setting up consultation desks to provide support to participants throughout the duration of the job support project.
(4) The local government should select participants of the job support project through appropriate examination, and the number of selections should be manageable by the local government.
(5) The local government should confirm that the participating companies in the internship have the intention to employ foreign nationals in specialized or technical fields.
(6) The activities to be carried out in the internship should correspond to residency statuses such as "Technology, Humanities, Knowledge, International Business," etc.
(7) The local government should regularly monitor the job search status of the participants.
(8) The local government should take appropriate measures to ensure the return of participants if they find it difficult to continue participating in the job support project for any reason.


Required Documents: Certificate of Eligibility for Participants, Internship Achievement Report, etc.


Procedure for Changing Residency Status: Application for Change of Residency Status (Change of Designated Activity) is required. In this case, the residency status determined will be "Specific Activity" for job search activities conducted as part of the job support project, with a residency period of "six months."

未来創造人材制度(J-Find) Future Creation Talent System (J-Find)



・在留資格「特定活動(未来創造人材)」が付与される(特定活動 第51号、家族帯同は52号)。


(2)タイムズ社公表のTHE ワールド・ユニバーシテイ・ランキングス(




Starting from April 2023, the "Future Creation Talent System (J-Find)" will be introduced. Graduates from excellent overseas universities or equivalent institutions who intend to engage in "job hunting activities" or "entrepreneurial preparation activities" in Japan will be granted the residence status of "Designated Activities" (Future Creation Talent), allowing them to stay for up to two years.


- Residence status "Designated Activities (Future Creation Talent)" will be granted (Designated Activities No. 51, with accompanying family members under No. 52).
- Currently, graduates from overseas universities may be granted the residence status of "Short-term Stay" for job hunting activities, but the duration is limited to 90 days.
- With the new system, graduates from excellent overseas universities will be able to engage in long-term job hunting activities in Japan for up to two years.


- Graduates from universities ranked within the top 100 in at least two of the three world university rankings.
* World University Rankings:
(1) QS World University Rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds (
(2) THE World University Rankings published by Times Higher Education (
(3) Academic Ranking of World Universities published by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy (
List of universities eligible for the Future Creation Talent System (PDF) (as of September of the 5th year of Reiwa)
- Individuals who have graduated from or completed a program at the above-mentioned eligible universities and received a degree or professional degree (referring to a professional degree specified in Article 5-2 of the Degree Regulations (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ordinance No. 9 of 1953), including degrees equivalent to those awarded abroad) within five years from the date of degree conferral.
- At the time of application, the applicant must have savings equivalent to at least 200,000 yen in Japanese yen for initial living expenses.


- Granting the residence status of "Designated Activities" enables individuals to engage in job hunting activities and preparations for entrepreneurship for up to two years, during which employment is also permitted.
- Allows accompanying family members.


- If you wish to enter as a new Designated Activity (Future Creation Talent), apply for a Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status.
- If you are currently residing under a residence status such as a student visa and wish to change to the Designated Activity (Future Creation Talent), apply for permission to change the residence status to the Designated Activity (Future Creation Talent).










〇その他 これ以外にも、留学生が起業する場合、大学院進学まで滞在する場合等について、特定活動で認められるケースがありますので、個別の事案でご相談願います。


If individuals who have secured employment while attending university or who have secured employment while engaging in continued job search after graduation wish to stay in Japan until they are employed by the company, they may be granted a change of residency status to a "Specific Activity" for the purpose of staying until the time of employment, provided they meet certain requirements. This allows them to continue their stay in Japan.


- Individuals residing in Japan under the "Study" residency status.
- Individuals residing in Japan under the "Specific Activity" residency status for the purpose of continued job search.


- Graduation from a Japanese educational institution or completion of an educational program.
- Employment offer received within one year after receiving the offer, and employment is expected within one year and six months after graduation.
- The activities to be engaged in at the company are expected to lead to a change in residency status to one related to "Technology, Humanities, Knowledge, International Business," etc.
- No issues with the residency status of the individual who received the job offer.
- The company offering the job offer pledges to maintain regular communication with the individual who received the offer and to promptly notify the local immigration office in case the offer is revoked.


Permission for Engaging in Activities Outside the Qualification:
Individuals granted permission for the "Specific Activity" for job offer recipients may engage in activities outside the qualification, such as part-time work (so-called "arubaito"), for up to 28 hours per week, provided they meet certain requirements. Additionally, it is also possible to obtain permission for engaging in activities outside the qualification exceeding 28 hours per week for purposes such as internships conducted at the prospective employer's company before formal employment.


In addition to the above, there are cases where specific activities are permitted for international students who start their own businesses or intend to stay until entering graduate school, etc. Please consult on a case-by-case basis.