visa-dupty, naturalization,tochigi, utunomiya  ビザ取得 帰化 宇都宮 栃木県

経営管理の要件 Requirements for Business Management Visa

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@ 事業の「経営」または「管理」業務を行うこと
A 事業が適正に行われること
B 事業が安定的・継続的に行われること


C 事業所が存在すること(もしくは確保されていること)
D 一定以上の事業規模があること
E 「管理」業務に従事する場合,3年以上の経験があること
F 「管理」業務に従事する場合,日本人と同等以上の報酬を受けること


@ 事業の「経営」または「管理」業務を行うこと


A 事業が適正に行われること


B 事業が安定的・継続的に行われること
「経営・管理」の在留資格の明確化等についての「3 事業の継続性について」を参照してください。


C 事業所が存在すること(もしくは確保されていること)


D 一定以上の事業規模があること


E 「管理」業務に従事する場合,3年以上の経験があること


F 「管理」業務に従事する場合,日本人と同等以上の報酬を受けること


その他 法令には明記されていないものの、起業の理由や、事業計画と関連する本人の経歴が重視されています。経営者の履歴書や申請理由書、事業計画書、証拠資料(取引先との基本契約書など)を揃えておくことが重要です。





The residency status "Business Management" is granted to individuals who engage in the management of trade or other businesses in Japan or are engaged in activities related to the management of such businesses, provided that they meet all of the following requirements:


[Eligibility for Residency Status]
1. Engaging in "management" or "administration" tasks of the business.
2. Ensuring that the business is conducted properly.
3. Ensuring that the business is conducted steadily and continuously.


[Criteria for Landing Permission Compliance]
4. Having a business establishment (or securing one).
5. Maintaining a certain scale of business operations.
6. Having at least three years of experience if engaged in "administration" tasks.
7. Receiving compensation equal to or greater than that of Japanese nationals if engaged in "administration" tasks.


Below are explanations of individual requirements:


1. Engaging in "management" or "administration" tasks of the business:
"Engaging in management activities" refers to activities involved in the substantial management of the business, such as operating the business as a key participant (such as a representative director, director, auditor, etc.).
"Engaging in administrative activities" refers to activities involved in managing business activities within a department of a company (such as department heads, factory managers, branch managers, etc.). Proof of substantial involvement in management or administration, based on factors such as the origin of the business, specific business activities, the amount of capital invested in stocks or businesses, and the applicant's position and specific duties within the company organization, is also required.


2. Ensuring that the business is conducted properly:
There are no specific restrictions on the nature of businesses that can be undertaken with the Business Management Visa according to immigration law. However, businesses must be operated in accordance with the law and conducted properly. For example, if conducting businesses that require permits or approvals, obtaining such permits or approvals is necessary, and if employing staff, enrollment in labor and social insurance is required. It is also necessary to ensure that the procurement and sales routes of raw materials and products are appropriate.


3. Ensuring that the business is conducted steadily and continuously:
In the case of a Business Management Visa, particular emphasis is placed on the actual situation of the business and its performance. It is important that the company generates stable profits and conducts its business continuously. For existing companies that have already completed their initial financial statements, their performance can be demonstrated through these statements. However, for newly established companies, the only way to demonstrate the continuity of business for the future is through a business plan.
Refer to section 3 "Continuity of Business" of the document "Clarification of Residency Status for Business Management and Administration" for more details.
As a general rule, visa renewal procedures must be conducted annually for startups, during which the immigration authorities check the performance and financial status. Failure to have the required capital (amount of net assets) may result in the inability to renew the Business Management Visa.


4. Having a business establishment (or securing one):
It is required to have a business office or store secured in advance. The purpose of use in the lease agreement must be "for business purposes," and the contract must be made in the name of the corporation. Additionally, facilities necessary for business operation and the size of the office space required for business operation must be provided.
The business must be equipped with necessary facilities such as telephone, fax, PC, and photocopier, and it must not be operated in short-term rental spaces on a monthly basis or easily disposable stalls.


5. Maintaining a certain scale of business operations:
The scale of the business requires employing two or more full-time employees residing in Japan or having an investment of over 5 million yen.
The term "residing in Japan" refers to individuals who fall under "Japanese nationals, permanent residents, spouses of Japanese nationals or permanent residents, and settlers." Part-time workers, dispatched or contracted employees, are not counted as full-time employees.
While the law does not require the applicant themselves to invest over 5 million yen, practically, an investment of over 5 million yen by the applicant is necessary.
If the investment amount is over 5 million yen, there is no requirement to employ two or more full-time employees.
If there is only one full-time employee, meeting the requirement is possible by investing in the business the amount required to hire another full-time employee (approximately 2.5 million yen).
Additionally, foreigners applying for the Business Management Visa are only allowed to engage in business management activities, and they are not permitted to engage in cooking or customer service in restaurants or nail treatments in nail salons. Therefore, it is necessary to secure staff separate from the foreign applicant for on-site operations.
Regarding the formation process of investment funds, even if capital is borrowed from relatives, a Business Management Visa can be obtained, but funds suspected to be "show money" are not accepted. It is necessary to submit documents demonstrating the relationship with relatives, money lending contracts, remittance records, and evidence of relatives' income and property to the immigration authorities to prove the formation process of the investment funds.


6. Having at least three years of experience if engaged in "administration" tasks:
This is a specific additional requirement for those engaged in "administration" tasks rather than "management." Practical experience includes periods of actual engagement in tasks related to "management" or "administration," as well as periods of specialization in management or administration subjects at graduate schools.


7. Receiving compensation equal to or greater than that of Japanese nationals if engaged in "administration" tasks:
If there is a wage regulation in the company, compensation must be paid in accordance with it, similar to Japanese nationals. If there is no wage regulation, a reasonable amount of compensation must be paid, taking into account the job duties and level of responsibility compared to Japanese nationals.


Other factors:
Although not explicitly stated in the law, emphasis is placed on the reasons for entrepreneurship and the applicant's background related to the business plan. It is important to prepare documents such as the entrepreneur's resume, statement of reasons for application, business plan, and supporting documents (such as basic contracts with business partners).


Treatment when two or more foreigners jointly operate a business:
(1) Considering the scale and volume of business operations, rational reasons for each foreigner to manage or administer the business are recognized.
(2) Regarding the tasks related to business management or administration, the specific tasks to be undertaken by each foreigner must be clear.
(3) If the conditions, such as each foreigner receiving compensation as remuneration for business management or administration, are met, it can be judged that all foreigners involved meet the requirements for the "Business Management" residency status.

経営管理ビザ取得の流れ Process for Obtaining a Business Management Visa







Process for Obtaining a Business Management Visa


1 Drafting a business plan related to entrepreneurship.
2 (Payment of capital of 5 million yen or more & securing a business establishment)
3 Obtaining permits and approvals necessary for starting the business.
4 Preparation for applying for the Business Management Visa (collection of supporting documents and preparation of business plans).
5 Application to the Immigration Bureau.
6 Examination.
7 Request for additional documents, etc.
8 Notification of approval or disapproval.
※ Please note that there may be a period required for obtaining permits and approvals necessary for starting the business in step 3, so it will take at least six months to one year from drafting the business plan.